This blog is going to be entirely Canadian... and probably about time too given this is supposed to be a Canadian Odyssey!
A few friends have been asking what it was like to be here during the Winter Olympics. I wasn't in Vancouver so haven't experienced the buzz that I know Sydney people experienced in 2000... but it has been fun here too. I was all red and white maple leaf Canadian for two weeks or so....
In a recent survey most Canadians said that they didn't mind how many medals Canada won in the Winter Olympics as long as Canada won the men's hockey gold. It was as though the entire country held it's breath during that final match against the USA. If you don't know what happened it was absolutely spell binding as US equalled the Canadian score 24 seconds before the end of the game. In extra time, when Canada's golden boy Crosby scored, everyone spontaneously sang the national anthem.... and I'd heard it enough times by then to join in! (Told you I was Canadian for two weeks) Didn't ever think you would hear me raving about sport did you!!!?
That night Luke and I went into the city for the festivities... Some photos from that night above and below and yes that's Luke and I with a flag we borrowed in the title of this month's blog. It was good to see how the celebrations crossed all religious and cultural backgrounds. I suppose Hockey is a religion of its own!
So since then?? The big news is that last week Peter legally separated from the business partnership that set up Ici (THE restaurant!). It has been quite sad in many ways and taken a lot for me to come to terms with. The dream, including our own apartment, is not to be. The story, to explain it, is long and complicated but probably occurred because of the year long delay in opening which caused all sorts of financial and other pressures on the partners. Fortunately, they are all still friends, and Peter works with them on various projects... but not from now on as a partner in the business. Ici may open before I leave and if so it will be a bitter sweet experience for both of us.
We are choosing to look on the bright side and see what opportunities might now open up for us... for me certainly in Australia. Hopefully for Peter too (in Australia) but that's not a decision you can make for anyone else and I will actually believe it when I see it!
We are choosing to look on the bright side and see what opportunities might now open up for us... for me certainly in Australia. Hopefully for Peter too (in Australia) but that's not a decision you can make for anyone else and I will actually believe it when I see it!
It has been sad, but just in case anyone is in danger of feeling sorry for me, I'm planning my trip home via Europe (as my around the world ticket lands in Madrid and London) and Singapore. I'm very excited to be seeing most of my family there, especially as four nieces and my brother currently live in UK, Germany, France and Poland, and many of my sisters (sadly not sister Heather) will also be in Italy at that time. I am delighted that I'll be able to spend a few days in Paris for my birthday with Ulrike, Eva and Jun... anyone else in Paris on 18 May most welcome!
But life here goes on of course. Here I am (below) drying the dogs after Peter has washed them in the laundry tub.
We've had some beautiful weather (18 degrees maximum) and yes that is warm for me now, despite what my friend Caron said on the phone, that I shame my Queensland background by suggesting 18 degrees Celsius is warm!
I'm still exercising regularly, helping Peter out from time to time, and completing the course in mindfulness meditation, which has been full on in terms of the time it takes each day. The photo group got together last weekend for a great afternoon of portrait shooting.... eating and drinking. I will really miss this great bunch of new friends.
But days in Canada are now limited and I have to say, unfortunately, I've seen very little of this vast north land. Maybe there'll be time for a trip to Quebec City and Ottawa before I leave. So far the Spring is bringing the buds on trees and the snow drops have flowered in the front garden. Some of the birds that migrated for the Winter have returned and seemed to be very happy to be here going by their lusty bird songs... caught a picture (can you just see it?) of this bright red Cardinal bird singing his/her lungs out a couple of weeks ago.
Always lots more to say... it is lovely having Luke here. He returns to Singapore on 8 April and there'll be tears to mop up after that I am sure. He is an absolutely delightful human being and lots of fun now he's worked out the pleasure he can have teasing me at every opportunity.
Post script: Spring has deserted us! Tomorrow top temperature is expected to be 1 degree Celsius with a low of minus 10! Maybe, just maybe, I'll get more snow before the Winter is finally gone... and I'll get to make that snowman after all!
Post script: Spring has deserted us! Tomorrow top temperature is expected to be 1 degree Celsius with a low of minus 10! Maybe, just maybe, I'll get more snow before the Winter is finally gone... and I'll get to make that snowman after all!
love and hugs 'til next time
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