Thursday, September 24, 2009

WEEK Twelve!

I like the idea of experiencing my first Fall... and was happy to capture this, the first flush of leaves changing colour on an old and elegant University of Toronto building. Someone told me that the peak week is likely to be the second in October... just when we are in New England Lainey!

I'm not so keen on Halloween and have started to see the madness that descends upon Nth America appear in shop fronts. My theory is that as it moves towards the cold dark months, Nth Americans need something crazy to distract them. Last year I was here in the lead up and was glad I left the country just before the 30th October. This year I will have to endure. Who knows, perhaps I'll find a taste for it. I like pumpkins!!
I finally got Peter to take me out dancing. We'd been to five weddings since I've been here (as caterers) where I had to watch all the guests having fun dancing! So we went to the nightclub where we first went out on that fateful night nearly 4 years ago.
Luke had brought me back a present from China, a pashmina. I hadn't worn it yet. Getting ready to go out (women you know the drill, try this outfit, then that one... they all land in a pile on the bed...until you feel comfortable and dressed to dance). Peter meanwhile had changed in a few minutes and decided to wear my pashmina. He did look cool in it which Peter seems to be able to do without any effort. (That is the definition of cool I guess!). Anyway while we're dancing a talent scout came up and insisted he would be great in advertising... Peter is not convinced. I reckon one ad might pay to have his front tooth fixed... but he would have to do it in the other order! Liz and Luke were flabagasted when they heard this. Luke: The lights must have been really low Dad!!!
I would probably buy anything Peter advertised, but then I'm definitely biased. This here is evidence of the scarf heist.

The public hearing for the restaurant is coming up on 30 September and I have been involved in the campaign which has become quite hot as the Deputy Mayor continues to insist their 24 seat bistro will be against the public interest. There has been some media coverage. I have been taking minutes of meetings, sending out emails etc. Meanwhile catering and supplying croissants and other yummy things continues. Here below Jennifer (from West End) who I met on the train to Montreal, came to visit at the restaurant and was kind enough to join into our croissant tasting... JP trying to make the best as usual.

JP and Jennifer co authored a cookbook One Pot French last year while Peter was in Australia. I've put an Australian link to it here for budding French Cooks. Here's a photos I took of the cover as well.

My closest encounter with a racoon (big fat one!) who we found sitting on our fire escape landing yesterday morning. I just caught him waddling down the stairs which is a good thing because apparently they can be aggressive.

I finally joined the gym this week!!! And now need to actually get there. Canadian Television is filled with H1N1 documentaries often talking about what has been learnt from the earlier 'flu season downunder. Nice to hear Aussi accents and to see how beautiful Australia is, when it is not covered in red dust of course. Canadians are very worried as it starts to get cooler. I think the son of our neighbours has it or a similar very bad 'flu. It has been distressing to hear him coughing away day and night for the past week. I insist on going in and out through the fire escape in case I pick up whatever he's got. No worries, Lainey... should be OK by the time you're here.

Photography 101 is nearly already finished! We had to do our first photoshoot yesterday late afternoon. We had to get images to illustrate 12 themes plus the letters of our name (sounds like 101 doesn't it!). The camera had to be on manual so no cheating and no editing afterwards... my first tentative images are on flickr here.

Finally and this is finally... some of you may remember the woman Peter and I met in San Francisco last year, Anne, who is 85, and visited Australia (on her around the world in 80 days trip!) with her boyfriend just before I left Australia. She tracked us down a few days ago by phone to invite us to Orange County to her 86th birthday. She still plays tennis! I love her spirit...

Much love and some of Anne's spirit to you!

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