My sister Lainey arrived on Wednesday evening. It happened to be the night (and the same time!) as we went to the hearing for Ici's application for a liquor license. In some ways this was disappointing as we couldn't go the airport to collect her and in other ways it was fortuitous as she arrived to the hearing by cab to find many of the people I had begun to get to know all at one place, including Liz and Luke.
Lainey couldn't believe how friendly people were and after getting many spontaneous hugs she decided she was going to like Canadians.
She then had a chance to hear (or endure!) most of the proceedings of the hearing which was a bit like watching a courtroom drama where you knew the stars but there was no murder involved! Quite an amazing time and we are yet to know the outcome.
The partners of the restaurant did really well, and there were a large number of people there to lend their support. It took so much work from so many to get there on a shoe string budget... but in the end it felt like a big family party. The short story is that we still don't know the outcome, but it looks promising. We hope to know by next week. Here to the left the ICI team reading one of the newspaper articles about the hearing, which has been quite fascinating to watch.
We were quite media mad for a couple of days watching newspaper, blogs and twitter which were running hot. There were radio interviews and photo shoots every other day. If they don't get their license I'm not sure what will happen! Here are some links in National Post; Toronto Life; Globe and Mail; Toronto Star; Martini Boys. Sam James, the Barista with the new coffee shop across the street has been politically implicated and so there's a fascinating internet skirmish going on. You'll work it out from the articles.
The other big event this week for us was Luke returning to Singapore the day after the hearing. We managed to get to the airport next morning a bit bleary eyed. It was very sad for Liz in particular. Here are some photos from the airport. The first one I love as Liz has her arm wrapped around my waist. The night before, after the hearing, about ten of us went out to dinner. As we arrived... Liz, Lainey, Luke and Lindy (yes all Ls!) with Peter... Jenny commented... Peter your herd is getting bigger! Guess that is the case... but I do feel like they are my family and I'm so grateful for the way things are working out.
Lots of chances to use my camera!! Luke saying goodbye to his mum and dad.

There was lots more this week... including meeting the Premier of Ontario... because we were catering for a political fundraiser on Sunday night... but that's about it I think as I'm too tired now and we're off to the markets early tomorrow morning.
love from me and Lainey!