Sunday, October 4, 2009


A bumper blog this week as I've missed last week and have to catch up. Will try not to bore you... here above a few photos of a drive we went to at Port Credit west of Toronto by Lake Ontario. I'd met Dorothy at TIFF who invited us to visit and we had a great day despite the cold grey weather.

It is so good having Lainey here as she's up for any spur of the moment suggestions. One night we went past a theatre that had a play entitled Secrets of a Black Boy... provocative title! The theatre was walking distance from our home and the play was quite an eye opener... it is part of a fairly fresh attempt on behalf of the black population of Toronto to express itself to its own community in their own voice/s. Not sure I do it justice, but it ran for over two weeks with a theatre capacity of over 400 and it was full the night we went. We didn't get all of the humour but the messages came through pretty clearly. The playwrite's sister, Trey Anthony, had written a play (which is now also a TV series) from a female perspective called Da Kink in My Hair. Check the links if you are interested.

Still no news on the Liquor License but baking and catering continue and Lainey enjoyed a couple of sessions helping out in the kitchen with Peter.

We moved out of our lovely little apartment up in the rafters last Thursday as Lainey and I are travelling in the US and Peter is looking after Oscar and Toby for a couple of weeks. I am now officially of no fixed abode!

My excuse for not doing my blog this week is a good one. Lainey and I have been to Paris, Berlin, Norway and Poland all in a week! All these places are actually places in New Hampshire, which along with Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island make up the area known as New England north of New York City. Did I miss any?

We flew to Boston, then drove (ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD!) for a wonderful week of pure tourism through stunning fall folliage. We read before we left, with a cringe, that people doing this are called Leaf Peepers... but there's no pretending otherwise, that's what we were. For photos please see the photos hopefully scrolling away beside this page... if not go to this flickr page. Wouldn't have been possible without the GPS which Laine bought for Peter and I as a thanks for having her stay (yes she's very generous).

Our first morning finding fall leaves in the boot of the car...

For me highlights of travelling are mostly in meeting up with people along the way, sometimes in unexpected ways. In one of my favourite places of the trip, Shelburne Falls, in Massachusetts, we came across a bunch of kids covering their faces in mud and putting cucumber slices on their faces before lying on the pavement. I am sure I've never seen this before. Here the evidence!

It was the Columbus Day public holiday and they, part of the Amherst Christian Youth Group, were participating in Rediscover America Day, which while not sounding particularly politically correct, was obviously highly entertaining for this very likeable bunch of kids.

In Shelburne Falls we also met potters, Molly Cantor and Rachel and musician Abe Loomis, who played a five string banjo and entertained us with some of his beautiful songs. Walked out of there with a whimsical & original plate and a bluegrass CD produced locally that gave us hours of pleasure as we wound our way around New England backroads.

Gotta finish for this blog and I haven't done justice to the rest of the trip... but for the kooky side of New England thought I would show you these. Not being from the area our only real knowledge of Cape Cod is our father visiting many years ago and falling in love with the architectural styles of the houses... we could absolutely understand why he did. But we didn't know it was such an interesting place. Provincetown, or PTown, at the tip of the Cape is known for it's eccentricity and off beat personality. We had only just pulled into the car park when we met these two friendly furries. Check out furries!We also spent hours browsing in a great shop full of odd stuff including fur jackets that you pay for by the weight! Fur a theme here obviously...

Finally, finishing off in Boston we got to the the Blue Men Group that was a strange mix of art, music (drumming mostly), and crazy stunts. Had to catch the photo with the blue man to complete my kooky set of New England... so on that note... farewell!!!

Bye til next time

Love (and are you still out there!?)


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