I got to have my first experience of Chile thanks to my sister, Heather, who has been in love with Chile since she visited South America thirty years ago. I travelled with Heather (on her sixth visit) Jack (on his third) but not David who couldn't be with them this time.
Here is a photo of Heather and Jack in the shop that has opened in the small home they lived in for a year four years ago. They have many friends there and speak pretty good Spanish now. I was impressed!
There's too many photos I want to show you so I have posted some on flickr for you to browse if you're interested. I wasn't game to take my good camera in case of loss or theft (for those who know my camera history!).
Valparaiso, where we spent most time, is probably one of the most photographable (a word?) cities on earth so it was tantalising not to be able to try to capture more... it was actually declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2003 largely because of the beauty of its unique architecture... here a couple of evening view of the houses on one of the Cerros (which one Heather?).
Before I go on I have to say that the inside of the houses are just as colourful or more! See the living room of Denise' hostel and the hallway upstairs!
This one Qintay near Valparaiso where gruesome whaling took place for many decades... they stopped in 1967 which I thought was impressive, Japan!
Famous poet Pablo Neruda, had three houses in and around Valparaiso and they are huge toursit attractions. What a unique life loving human being he seemed to be. This home in Isla Negra sits by crashing waves, Neruda's boat sitting near the house where he'd take friends for an evening drink apparently as he was too scared (and perhaps too smart) to take it into the sea!
Now as I said I haven't done Chile justice. Here just one shot of a beautiful lake near Valdivia at Choshuenko. And one, just one of a majestic (what else would they be?) snow covered volcano. And yes I did go to a winery and so much more!!!

And now I have to finish because I've run out of time. Today in Toronto it is minus 9 degrees. I am all rugged up and really enjoying the experience, surprisingly, maybe because it is sunny.
There's lots more going on with the restaurant but nothing finalised yet so I'm hoping 2010 actually starts for us soon and there'll be some news for you.
love to you all until next time