Monday, July 20, 2009

Week Three

Random images from the week just past...

1. Daisies in the back lane
2. Out to dinner
3. Peter and his beloved dog, Toby, acting as pillow
4. Peter and other love bird

Before I start apologies for many dog references and the usual Peter photos... I am still in their world. Not really created much of my own yet... but I will!
This week has been a week of solitude and connections! Solitude because I have realised I only have one friend in Toronto! Was chatting to a nice woman at the dog park early in the week and had to stop myself from saying.... "Will you be my friend?" This would have been said with some feeling too... but fortunately I restrained myself!

Connections because I'm getting a few things happening...

  • I have my mobile phone working on 1 647 9855 133 (It works for some and not others though I haven't sorted out why or why not yet... any clues?)
  • I have my blog as you know...and you are voting (thanks to those who are answering how I wanted you to - and Peter seems to be wearing his hat now!)

  • I have linked up with the only other 'Lindy Drew' on the web... she is a photographer from Pheonix Arizona and has a blog way more extensive than mine.... have a look! I hope she will be my photography mentor, though I think she's only 30 years old. We have already hatched a possible plan to meet in November... (Lindy emailed me that she was so named after her parents had cheesecake at one of Lindy's cafes in NYC... must have been good!)

  • And finally and most memorably, connecting with a skunk.
I had often wondered as a kid what skunks actually smelled like as they were often protrayed on north american kids cartoons etc. Well... wish I didn't know. I would describe it as something between burnt rubber, rotting vegetation and dog poo... that enough? I didn't actually connect with it, but taking dogs for walk in the dark, obviously too late for skunk avoidance, Toby came across one near the garbage and before we knew it he'd been sprayed.

We had to walk up to the 'drugstore' to buy peroxide and baking soda to mix with detergent and water to wash both dogs several times. The most amusing thing was that we didn't realise how badly we smelt... but everyone in the store was waving their hands in front of their faces and making grimaces... they were blaming two street guys unfairly and stereotypically until we realised what was going on and confessed that it was us.

Before we washed the dogs outside in the rain we had to change clothes and put on white ones in case the peroxide burnt white holes in them... and when finished washing and drying dogs had to wash all our clothes, the white clothes and the towels for drying the dogs and then the kitchen floor. We have had to throw out their collars, the mat that was outside the door, and anything disposable that they came into contact with. Since then we keep having to wash every day... shoes, door frame, cement, wooden bench outside and still the smell pervades. You can smell it through the vents into the house and through upstairs windows. Still have to wash my hair every day as it seems to find a way to seep into every fibre. Caron reckons I don't need a visa now as I've been initiated into Nth American society... would love to try that straight faced on immigration guards.

Dogs looking miserable but super clean after several washings in the middle of a rainy night!

Well this week as also been a week of Tour de France. Peter is hooked and over the weeks I have gotten into it as well. Nice to be able to wake up to watch rather than staying late at night as in Australia for any European sport. Fabulous to watch beautiful France and finally Paris today.

Just to finish up this is a flower shop near the restaurant (still no license) and Peter's house which we're staying in for two weeks while Liz is on holiday. Tomorrow we go out to view some rental properties for the next five or six months. Nothing found yet... eek!

'til next time


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