Monday, November 30, 2009

Week Whatever.... lost count!

Hi there, what a difference two weeks makes!!! Here above a photo I took at the beginning of the fortnight, here a photo of trees in High Park, Toronto, where my photography class and I did a shoot on Saturday morning.

Below a few images from the day in High Park including some of the wildlife...

Squirrels are everywhere, both grey and black, but usually they skitter too fast for me to catch a photograph. This one walked right up to me. Very very cute.

But for really new experience, bringing in the Christmas theme, here was my first view of a real reindeer. Unfortunately it was at a shopping centre but still there it was ready to be hitched up to Santa's sleigh!

Tonight we are going out to get our Christmas tree. This exciting as we prepare for my first white Christmas. It hasn't snowed yet in Toronto. I think this is a record for late snow since around 1949. Once it snows I might wish it away but right now I can't wait. Some whacky christmas decorations in a department store here...
So while on a shopping centre theme they have something in the USA and Canada called Costco. Don't think we have this chain? Everything is wholesale on pallets and you have to be a member to shop there. Peter goes regularly to buy things for the restaurant but it is always full of families shopping for everything you can imagine ever got sold in a shop... and always in large quantities. It is everything we imagine of the excess of North America, but fascinating all the same.

I was amazed to find this digital baby grand piano in a box. Probably not the best brand around but still... whoever bought a grand piano in a box!!! Not so secrety I fantasize about it!

Now before I finish the highlight of the fortnight was meeting my namesake Lindy Drew from Arizona. I found Lindy online and emailed her when I arrived in Canada. She is a professional photographer and has done interesting volunteer work in Chile. Lindy (the other one!) came up to Detroit for Thanksgiving holiday so drove across the border to meet up with me last week. Her family suggested I might be trying identity theft. As if....
We had such a fun day together with so much to talk about, so much in common. Maybe there's something in numerology after all. Here the two of us at the Inaugural Meeting of the International Lindy Drew Club.
Finally, we are not to be in our own place for Christmas sadly. Here the reason why... this below is the kitchen of the apartment above the restaurant! I can hear the builders doing something up there right now as I type but.... it is not to be in time for my sister Heather and nephew Jack to arrive in two weeks.

Anyway, nothing much more from me this fortnight. It has been a settling in time... and preparing for the cold. Still haven't bought my snow boots but that must happen this week. Then I think I'll be set.
Thinking of all in Australia as it gets hot and humid.
One more blog to Christmas!

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